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Parents and Guardians of New NJROTC Cadets


I would like to welcome you and your student to Milpitas High School’s Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) unit.  Our unit has a proud tradition of service to youth and the local community dating back to 1977 when the program was established at the former Samuel Ayer High School.  Chartered by Congress in 1964, the NJROTC program has expanded in the nation’s high schools and currently stands at 624 units.  Let me assure you that the NJROTC program is NOT designed to recruit your child into the military services, but is offered as an elective to instill a greater sense of citizenship and personal achievement.


If your child chose to enroll in NJROTC, it will be a completely new experience for them.  Some of what we do is the traditional classroom work, but a larger portion of our week is devoted to introducing your cadet to military drill, ceremonies and courtesies, self discipline, team work, organization, study skills and physical training.  As they gain experience in the unit we will give them the opportunity to participate in unit leadership roles in the classroom and other activities in our ‘After School Program’.  A very important element of any JROTC program is that cadets are given the opportunity to run the unit as much as possible.


Wednesday is uniform day at MHS.  All cadets are expected to wear the uniform all day.  We consider the uniform and the cadet’s behavior while in uniform a very important part of the program, demonstrating commitment, discipline, and responsibility to the Program.


In order for your cadet to fully enjoy the benefits of this terrific program it is strongly recommended that each cadet participate in one or more of our competitive teams.  They include: color and honor guard, drill teams, physical training teams, and the academic team.  Throughout the year our teams will compete against other schools in various drill/field meets and parades.  It is hoped that our new cadets will be eligible to participate in all our field trip opportunities, attend basic leadership training, and various other special events. A school GPA of 2.5 is required for participation in these activities.


Your support of your cadet is vital to our collective success. I am very dedicated to the individual achievements of your cadet during this important year.  If at any time you have a question about requirements or activities, please feel free to call us at school: 408-635-2800/4146/4151.  We are here most days until 4:30 PM.


Lieutenant Margie Jackson, USCG (RET)

Senior Naval Science Instructor

Senior Naval Science Instructor

LT Jackson

Naval Science Instructor

MCPO Whitney

1285 Escuela Parkway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

408-635-2800 ext. 4146


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