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Chain of Command
(Highest position to Lowest position from Left to Right)

President of the United States
President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Vice President of the United States
Vice President Kamala Harris

Secretary of State
The Honorable Antony Blinken

Secretary of Defense
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin III

Secretary of the Navy
The Honorable Carlos Del Toro
Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral Lisa Franchetti

Commander of Naval Education Training Command
Rear Admiral Jeffery Czerewko
Commander of Naval Service Training Command
Captain Craig T. Mattingly
Area 22 Manager
Command Master Chief
Kenyatter Ballard

Senior Naval Science Instructor
Lieutenant Margie Jackson

Naval Science Instructor
Master Chief Petty Officer
James Whitney
President: President Joseph R. Biden
Vice President: Vice President Kamala Harris
Secretary of State: The Honorable Antony Blinken
Secretary of Defense: General Lloyd J. Austin III
Secretary of the Navy: The Honorable Carlos Del Toros
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO): Admiral Lisa Franchetti
Commander, Naval Education Training Command (CNETC):
Commander, Naval Service Training Command (CNSTC):
Area 22 Manager: Command Master Chief Kenyatter Ballard
Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI): Lieutenant Margie Jackson
Naval Science Instructor (NSI): Master Chief Petty Officer James Whitney
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