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Proper wearing of the NJROTC cadet uniform according to the instructions found in the Cadet Field Manual is a very important part of being a successful cadet. The uniform is the most visible symbol of our program and is easily recognized on and off campus.


The uniform is owned by the US Government. Each cadet receives approximately $120.00 worth of uniform items in a new or near new condition at the beginning of each school year. Cadets are expected to maintain the uniform items in the same condition as issued through correct care and maintenance all year. Failure to do so will result in cadet financial accountability.


All cadets wear the uniform each Wednesday, unless otherwise directed in the POW. Cadets shall wear the uniform from the time they leave home until the time they return home in the afternoon. While in class on Wednesday cadets will be inspected by senior cadets and will earn a maximum grade of 50 points. Points will be deducted for improper appearance and grooming.


It is the policy of the Naval Science Department at Milpitas High School to not allow cadets with failing grades following the first semester to register for Naval Science in the second semester. Past experience has shown that failures are the direct result of the cadet not wearing the ROTC uniform on a regular basis. Because the uniform is such an integral part of our program, cadets are continuously reminded of the large part their uniform grades account for the final grade. Cadets are allowed to make up uniform grades and also receive extra credit toward the final grade by wearing the uniform on additional days. If a cadet fails to wear their uniform on Wednesday, he or she must wear the uniform twice before the next uniform inspection in order to receive full credit for that week.


Cadets who dis-enroll from Naval Science must return the uniform, minus shoes, in the same condition as issued. Failure to do so will result in placing the cadet’s name on the school fine list.  

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