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              AFTER SCHOOL TEAMS

All cadets are highly encouraged to be involved in the cadet organization. It has been proven that the cadets who benefit the most from joining NJROTC are the ones who go beyond daily classroom attendance and try something new. The best place to start for a new first year cadet is on one of the after school teams: Color Guard, Honor Guard, Orienteering Team, PT Team, Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams, Academic Team. All teams are very competitive against other units and require a special dedication. The benefits include making new friends, increased social events, self-discipline, working together toward a common goal, and leadership opportunities. 

Team practice occurs Monday through Thursday after school from 3 PM to 4:30PM. Cadets are expected to attend all practices on time. If a team member has a valid reason for missing practice (sick, tutoring, family necessity) the member shall inform his or her team Commanding Officer prior to practice. Members will be cut from the team due to excessive absences, excused or unexcused.

All team competitions are chaperoned and comply with school board directives for field trips. Cadet eligibility for team membership includes: member must be passing Naval Science, maintain a school GPA of at least 2.5 and have no school disciplinary excesses.

Team Commanding Officers are nominated by the company commander and unit executive officer and approved by the Naval Science instructors. Leadership positions are rotated yearly or when necessary.

Competitive teams are the heart of the NJROTC program at Milpitas High. All team members are pushed to new personal levels of excellence in a very positive and supportive environment. Junior cadets are encouraged to assume higher levels of responsibility and leadership. Former cadets consistently recall their team membership as the best part of being in NJROTC.

Senior Naval Science Instructor

LT Jackson

Naval Science Instructor

MCPO Whitney

1285 Escuela Parkway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

408-635-2800 ext. 4146


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