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Advancement Cycles 

The Advancement Cycles are a seasonal testing week where cadets have the opportunity to be promoted by proving themselves through a series of tests including:

- Academics (General Testing/Knowledge for the wanted rank

- Drill Practicals

- Physical Form Testing (Situps Pushups Mile)

Advancements and Promotions


Active cadets in the NJROTC program advance upward through the specific ranks found in the Cadet Field Manual. The time required for a particular cadet to move up the rank structure is based on individual merit. It is up to you how far you go. The advancement program is fair, clearly stated and does not tolerate favoritism.

Cadets are given 2 opportunities each school year to advance in cadet rank. The different times are in the following months: October and June. During those months one week is devoted to the advancement testing cycle. Each cycle includes:

  • A rank-specific written test

  • A rank-specific unarmed drill practical

  • A uniform inspection (must get a score of 45 or higher)

  • A physical fitness test (push-ups, sit-ups and run)

  • Required school GPA of 2.5 or above

  • 10 hours of community service

Cadets who have a GPA of 3.5 and pass all other requirements will be advanced two ranks. No cadet may be meritoriously advanced more that twice in the same school year. NS-1 cadets may not advance past the rank of E-5 during their first year.

Cadet Chief Petty Officers earn their new rank by successfully completing a 3 month-long Cadet CPO Candidate Training sequence. This training is conducted by the unit CO, XO and select officers and chiefs.

Officer promotions, including the selection of a new CO and XO, are based upon a consensus process among the CO, XO and instructors. The selection of the following school year’s CO and XO is announced at the end of year awards night when a brief change of command ceremony is conducted.

Cadets are only limited by their own ambition to progress in the NJROTC program. Equal opportunity to advance is open to all cadets.

Cadet Rank and Insignia

Senior Naval Science Instructor

LT Jackson

Naval Science Instructor

MCPO Whitney

1285 Escuela Parkway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

408-635-2800 ext. 4146


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