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20 hours of community service is required to graduate high school and 5 hours is required every advancement cycle in NJROTC. Also, if you complete 10 hours of community service, you receive the Community Service ribbon pictured above. The more combined community service hours the unit completes, the higher chance we have to receive the Distinguished Unit award, which is another ribbon you can earn to wear on your uniform. 


You must complete a separate 10 hours in order to get the ribbon during advancement cycles.


Community service is one of the things colleges look at, so you can never have too much. There's even a scholarship given out to the student who has accumulated the most hours. Don't forget to document your hours! The same hours you do for high school graduation can also count for our unit.

3 hours of Community Service Minimum is required for a passing grade before each month ends. Cadets must report to their respective squad leaders in order to put in their hours. Squad leaders must have a sheet that lists the name of each squad member and the hours earned per each event completed that month.


So start racking up those community service hours now!




~Resource Area for Teachers (RAFT)

~Milpitas Food Pantry


~South Bay Fishing in the City

Senior Naval Science Instructor

LT Jackson

Naval Science Instructor

MCPO Whitney

1285 Escuela Parkway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

408-635-2800 ext. 4146


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