For removing film on brass it's recommended to use Brasso.
For polishing the brass, it's recommended to use Turtle Wax Chrome & Metal Polish or Blue Magic Metal Polish
To shine shoes, it's recommended to use Kiwi Black Shoe Polish.
Cadets will not be able to do the following in public while wearing their uniform in order to maintain the professionalism and symbol our unit and to show respect to a cadet's self, unit and nation.
No chewing gum.
No eating or drinking while walking
No putting hands into pants pocket. Jacket pocket is acceptable.
No running.
No PDA, (hugging, kissing, holding hands) towards students and especially cadets.
No cussing.
Not wearing their garrison cover outside and wearing it inside (unless otherwise instructed).
No PT (push-ups, running, etc.).
Putting on or shining uniform items outdoors.
No listening to anything with earphones